Everyone knows new parents are sleep deprived... I knew when baby 2 came I would be tired... But I forgot how crazy this time really is... The first time around Hubby didn't have to go to work until 11 am so he could help alot more at night. This time he leaves for work by 6:30 am which is about when we fall back asleep just in time for my 2 year old to wake up and start making her morning requests (Jake and the Neverland Pirates, chocolate milk, candy, playdoh... she's already smart enough to know I will give her anything to be allowed to lay around for another 30 min).
Here are some things I've learned...
1) If you are lucky enough to have the baby sleep through dinner so that you can eat with both hands and not just your left (Im convinced I will be ambidextrous by the time she is out of this stage)... then the baby will be up screaming all night... weigh the pros and cons carefully...
2) Your 2 year old that has never slept through the night can sleep right through a screaming baby... if she is sleeping in your bed
3) I was destined to have very attached kids that will never sleep anywhere but my arms
4) You will do anything to make a screaming baby stop including running the shower all night long because the sound of heavy running water is the only thing that calms her... I can't wait to see our water bill
5) What you find funny on Pinterest at 3 am is not necessarily something you would publicly "pin" when looking back at 10 am.
6) People say to sleep when the baby sleeps but somehow although you are incredibly exhausted the baby always passes out right when you get your second wind and wakes up right as it goes away...
7) You will pump purely to have a glass of wine, beer, or EXTRA large cup of coffee...I have yet to stock up one bottle of milk for when I return to work... priorities
8) Possibly the most important... NEVER take medication in a sleep deprived state without checking the bottle three times and asking someone not also living in your sleep deprived house what the bottle says... I don't care what my neighbor thinks of me I will not mix up the stool softeners and the iron tablets again... Anyone who is familiar with these two items know they do the opposite things so if you need one you don't want the other... TMI... sorry.. Im a mom... I have no filter...
2 days ago
OMG, Ann, I feel your pain when it comes to #8.