Yes I say we because it has consumed my life for the last week. The it I am talking about it potty training. No she's not completely potty trained yet... But she finally peed on the potty! This may sound minor but believe me it was a rough week. Let me start by saying I had NO motivation to potty train Bear.. none! I figure we are so busy during the summer it would be tough, the baby is coming and she may regress, insert other lame excuse here... I just had no desire. So it shocked me when Bear woke up Monday morning insisting that she wear big girl panties. Not only did she want big girl panties but she wanted Nemo, Cars, or Diego panties... Do they even make panties with these characters for girls??? Of course I went straight to facebook to inquire and started searching the internet. I discovered that Target does indeed sell a Pixar girls panty pack. See here So I sent grandma out to get them and we got started. At first I thought my child couldn't tell when she needed to go. I didn't understand this at all.. she's a smart kiddo... how does she not know? Nope found out that was not the case at all. Although she really wanted to use the potty she was scared. She is able to hold it for CRAZY amounts of time.
So she would sit on the potty, go a little, freak out, and hold it for several more hours before having an accident. This morning she again insisted on wearing panties... I sighed but through myself into it all over again. I was thinking it would be easy since her diaper had been dry from 5 pm last night through to this morning. Not my kiddo... After 18 hours... she still had not peed!!! And she had already had a cup of apple juice, a capri sun, and some chocolate milk this morning! I could tell she really needed to go so after books, stickers, bubbles all failed to distract her... I decided we were going to make Magic Pee Pee juice! She had never had Kool-aid before so I thought maybe that would be cool. I brought the blender down to her potty, she poured in the koolaid, sugar, and water... I pulled her potty over to the kitchen, set up the blender and turned it on... Guess what? It was so exciting to see the blue color float up and spin she finally peed! and peed... and peed! After I wiped my eyes (yes I cried, we celebrated with happy cheers of blue magic pee pee juice like we had just won the world cup of potty training! She immediately wanted to take a picture and send it to daddy (do you think I take too many pictures?) I had to draw the line somewhere so we settled for calling daddy. Now I need to run to the store and buy more Kool-Aid... If you see us with a Kool-aid stand set up in the neighborhood please stop and buy a cup... I promise it was made with love (and clean hands)...
22 hours ago
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