My daughter brought this book over to me last night... already turned to the page she wanted me to read. I turned it to the first page and she turned back to the page she wanted and pointed to it... Ok... so I read it to her...
"O God, make us children of quietness and heirs of peace. Amen - St. Clement."
I kind of laughed to myself. My child who had been up several times the night before screaming her head off. Apparently terrible twos are not limited to day light hours, because my child has decided that 2 am is about the PERFECT time to throw a knock down, drag out temper tantrum about chocolate milk or watching Little Mermaid. She wakes up from a deep sleep to start screaming that she wants these things! And now she is praying to be made quiet and peaceful! So I read it to her... over and over and over... I really hoped that she was such an incredibly smart insightful baby and she really wanted to be quiet and peaceful... give me a break I am incredibly sleep deprived after a week of this...
So as she woke me up again last night kicking, screaming, and scratching me screaming for chocolate milk, I began reciting this prayer under my breath... "O God, make HER a child of quietness and an heir of peace!" Eventually, (and by eventually I mean 45 minutes later) she tired out and then I said "AMEN!"
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