Ok I think I am finally ready to admit what happened on Monday... I really debated posting this for all to see but #1) I swore I would share my good and bad mom moments on here... #2) Just google it... clearly it happens to alot of people... #3) It's just plain funny...
So back in college when I met my husband on the very first time I visited his apartment... I discovered that NEITHER bathroom had ANY toilet paper... ok first of all how gross... 4 men lived in that house... ok I don't want to get into that... so I went out to my car and got each of them a 4 pack of toilet paper out of the trunk. A week or so later he needed to write a thank-you note... so we went out to my car and I got him a handful of thank-you notes... never fail if you need something it's probably somewhere in my car... I'm not going to pretend that i have cute little organized baskets (ohhhh good idea!!! we know I love baskets) with all these goodies alphabetized... no they are just SOMEWHERE in my car. My husband later discovered that I am not Mary Poppins with a bottomless bag... I am just lazy... I have digressed... I can now say I've found something new in my car...
Anyone who has kids knows what their carseats look like once they hit the fruit snacks and goldfish stage... There is nothing like having to pull the carseat out to fit an extra passenger (and its always someone who doesn't have kids and is appalled)to find a months (or lets be real 6+ months) worth of goldfish crackers, fruit snacks, and various other foods that you can't even remember the last time your child ate... under the seat.
So two weeks or so ago I noticed that where Bear's seatbelt goes into her car seat was a little frayed... I thought she must be pulling on it... it is an old car seat so it's seen better days... Then on Monday when I went out it was no longer a little frayed... it was a hole.. weird... I still didn't think much more of it... but as I was driving to work I felt a little sick.. I reached for one of my crackers (in a sealed zip lock bag) but there were no crackers and a hole in the side of the bag... OH MY GOD... As I almost flew past a school bus I began to put it all together... My child is sitting in a car seat... that a MOUSE IS LIVING IN!!! I almost wrecked and threw up all at once! I rushed her into school and drove to work watching the backseat the whole way sure he was going to come out to finish off her breakfast with me sitting right there! I moved a few things around and sure enough there were a couple of droppings... Ok just a few... thats good... He must not actually live in there but just comes in when its cold. On my lunch break I ran home to clean out all the papers and toys in my car... As I started moving things I found a few more droppings and I decided the car seat had to come out... I would leave it on the driveway and hope the mouse emerged during the day...
Of course this was the ONE time we were ever able to get the carseat in the car tight enough. I pulled and pushed and tugged but that car seat was way too tight... I also didn't really want to put my hand too close to the latch bars because I had already determined that was how the mouse got in (through the trunk, through the seat where it folds down by the seat belt) Totally fed up, frozen (this was the day we woke up to snow... in mid-April), and a little insane... I went inside and got the scissors and cut the carseat out of the car!!! I expected to find the usual mess under the carseat... I mean how could the mouse get under that thing??? But no... there were no crackers... not even crumbs... just a whole ton of mouse droppings... This was seriously the most ridiculous moment so far in my parenting life!!! I only had 20 min left of my lunch break... I had to make a decision... go buy a new car seat or go put my car in drive and let it roll into Lake Michigan.. As much as I wanted to roll it off a cliff... I ran out and bought a brand new carseat... stuffed every hole in my car with peppermint soaked cotton balls (mice hate peppermint)... and went back to work... I can safely say that now 3 days later with the car cleaned out I have seen no evidence that the mouse is still in the car... The cut out carseat is still in the driveway... maybe a whole family of mice has taken up residence in it now... At least I know all those snacks didn't go to waste and I kept a living creature alive throughout the brutal winter!!!
There you have it... officially my most disgusting parenting moment to date!
PS I can't even read back through this to check if it makes sense.. it makes me gag just thinking about it....
PSS To make the evening even worse after running out to find out the store I needed to go to had closed down... I got pulled over for an expired tag... Totally not my day!
2 days ago